Hot, And Bothered By My Lack Of Riding

You can find the exact route of the Bakerloo Run, through the panelaks and parks of Prague, at, or by clicking above.

No new rides to report, no new adventures to tell.

I'm still recovering from a very nasty virus that's knocked me out of the saddle since Thursday, July 12, but I hope to be riding again very soon.

We've also been enjoying (OK, that's not the right word) some record-breaking heat here in Prague -- around 100 degree F., or 37 Celsius. I shouldn't complain, since I was cursing the cold and wind and rain just a few days ago.

But feeling under the weather, coupled with the blistering weather itself, has meant that I've been sitting in front of a fan, rather than on my bike.

I am eager to get back out there, though, because I finally received my Garmin Edge 305 GPS computer for my bike, which will allow me to record everything from my exact routes, to the gradient of the area's toughest hill climbs, to my heartbeat.

I can't wait to put it into action. First, though, I've got to wade through the thick instruction book that came with it. Very intimidating.

Even without the aid of the Garmin, I did manage to painstakingly re-create the exact path of the so-called Bakerloo Run -- one of my favorite rides -- using

You can find the Bakerloo Run here, complete with route highlights.

I'm also starting a list of my routes under a new heading on the left side of my blog.

There are only two there at the moment, but with the help of my new friend Garmin, I hope to post many more in the near future.

If anyone has any tips or experience with using the Garmin 305, please share.

I can use all the help I can get.


Anonymous said…
Hey, here is that website i was talking about where i made the extra cash.. later! i'm going to cali next week..check this out

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